How To Beat Eczema – The Real Life Experience
A good friend of mine once told me that you cannot beat Eczema. I did not believe him because I believed that it is possible. I did not know why I believed in that, knowing what I had experienced in my life with Eczema. I just believed deep within me that thru the grace of God, I can beat and heal my Eczema. By the way, I am Jan and this is my real life experience and my journey in beating eczema.

It all started a few years ago, after a few stressful events in my life like my son being admitted to the hospital because of pneumonia and then me suffering from a terrible cough that lasted for weeks that I have to finally take some strong antibiotics to finally stop it. After that, I started getting some kind of rashes in my right hand. All I thought about it was it was just some fungal allergy so I applied some fungal cream but that did not help. I found some BL cream which is common in many Chinese stores, it is steroid cream which was sold like just normal beauty products. I did not realize that it was a steroid cream when I was applying it to my skin but it was effective to some degree. My skin rashes disappeared after a few days but would come back again after a few weeks. I did not realize at that time that my skin rashes was actually eczema.
After a few weeks, the skin rashes aka the eczema kept coming back. Initially it was only on my right hand but there were also small spots in my right toe. Eventually I had to go to a dermatologists to have it checked, lo and behold the doctor prescribed a strong steroid cream to keep it in check. I asked her why I was having these eczema and she said that it was hereditary and was probably due to stress. Followed her advice and used the steroid cream, it worked in making the eczema disappear but after a few days it just keep coming back and so that cycle of putting a steroid cream on my eczema just continued. I did not realize at that time that there are negative side effects to long term steroid use.
When I went to the dermatologist was the first time that I was also diagnose with high blood pressure. I did not know that the two are related but later on I started doing my research, I read that those who have eczema have a 50% chance of having a high blood pressure or hypertension.
A year goes by and still my eczema problems just keep coming back but it gets bigger and spreads to other parts of my body like my other hand, calf etc. I knew I had to do something and since part of what I do in my job is research, that is when I started studying and researching seriously on how to beat eczema.
I tried a lot of things, lets break it down:
1. Garlic – I tried eating garlic and putting it on my skin. Danger Alert! Do not put garlic on you skin for more than 5 minutes as it will burn your skin. I learned that the hard way, it burned a small portion of my skin and my eczema worsened because I left it on my skin for 3 hours.

2. Coconut oil – Coconut oil has a lot of benefits based on my research like if you have skin conditions, gut problems, gum concerns etc. but when I use it a number of times on my eczema, based on my experienced it did not helped heal it.

3. Turmeric – Turmeric was recommended in a number of Youtube videos that I watched as remedy for Eczema and other skin conditions. It also has a number of benefits like lowering my blood pressure but it did not helped with my eczema. Later I found out that some people who suffer from eczema can worsen their skin conditions by using it. Here’s the resource for that:

4. Aloe Vera – I put aloe vera on my eczema for a period of time, it did help to some degree but it did not heal it completely. I also consumed raw aloe vera juice to help with my Acid Reflux and it worked on that regard but when in comes to eczema, it just did not heal it.

5. Argan Oil – My mother gave it to me after it was prescribed by a relative who is a doctor. She was suffering from a mild form of eczema, it worked on her so I tried it. I thought that Argan oil was the cure as it has worked for my mom, that it would finally heal my eczema. I did worked initially but my eczema still was coming back and when I was using Argan oil my blood pressure was elevated whenever I used it and that is why I stopped using it.
6. Steroid Creams – I have tried a number of them, from BL, Cleovate-G, to the more famous ones like Elica which was being advertised on TV. Elica is a powerful steroid cream based on my experience as it will get rid of your eczema in 24- 48 hours but my problem with it was that my eczema kept coming back and this time it was worse than before.
7. Bone Broth – Yup, I tried it a number of times. bone broth has a number of benefits, just ask Dr. Josh Axe. It does help but since I have high blood pressure, I cannot continue consuming bone broth because based on my experience it elevates by blood pressure. I even tried putting the gel of the bone broth on my eczema and it did helped it but I stop doing that when it raised my blood pressure.

8. Chlorella – Is a nutrient-dense algae similar of Spirulina. I tried it since it was highly recommended by this site: There are some good points in that site that made sense and I was desperate to some degree so I tried it. When I tried it for a few days, my eczema conditions were worsened and multiplied. Before I only had small spots of eczema in my right and left hand and in my right toe but when I use Chlorella, the eczema spread to my other parts of my body. My left and right elbows started having eczema as my left calf and at the back of my right leg. It simply made it worse! I had to visit the dermatologists 5 times because of it.
The dermatologist prescribed a steroid cream named Cleovate-G which is an anti inflammatory, antipruritic and antibacterial cream because my eczema was infected already, an eczema soap and Aveeno which is a moisturizing lotion. The Aveeno – Skin Relief Moisturizing lotion did help a lot when it comes to the itching that is the one thing that made the doctor visits worth it but my eczema kept coming back even after applying the steroid cream for weeks. Eventually I have to stop using it because I was afraid of the side effects of long terms use of steroid creams.
9. Puriya Cream – this is one of the most recommended lotions for Eczema and other skin conditions based on I bought it after researching how to stop the itching that is associated with Eczema. It worked initially but after a while my body was just not tolerating it anymore so that I stop using it.
So the million dollar question, how did you finally beat Eczema?
After countless hours of research, months of trial and error, I found out about the connection of Eczema with our gut. Most if not all people with Eczema has some form of digestive problem or leaky gut. One of the most common causes of Eczema is Yeast Overgrowth. It was strange to me and it was the first time I have heard of Yeast Overgrowth so researched and studied what it was. I found out about Yeast Overgrowth thru Youtube channels of Dr. Mark Hyman, the New York times best selling author of The Sugar Solution and Dr. Jonell Francis of, now I think it they changed the site and name to due to trademark issues with the name Feel Good Foods.
One of the things that I remembered in one of Dr. Mark Hyman YouTube videos about Eczema was that he said that it was one of the easiest thing to fix and heal. I thought that he was just joking because as you can see from my experiences and the years of having Eczema, easy fix was not in vocabulary. I have even started eating mostly vegetables and have avoided meat and fast food except for fish for over a year. He mentioned in his Youtube videos about Eczema about using herbs like Oregano among others to cure one’s Eczema but there was no simple program for me to follow or process in his videos. As I was tired of the trial and error stuff, I needed something that was easy to implement and that was when I was blessed to have landed on the Youtube video of Dr. Jonell Francis:
Please watch the video and see for yourself.
Based on the video, here is the simple program to beat Eczema and Heal a Leaky Gut:
5 Step Protocol
- Normalize the Bowel – Exodus
- Remove Pathogens – Body Balance
- Repair the Gut – Glutamine
- Restore Good Bacteria – Probiotic Blend
- Proper Nutritional Support – Feel Good Cookbook
I bought the Exodus, Body Balance and the Feel Good Cookbook from her site: The Glutamine and Probiotic blend, I bought from I bought the Hyperbiotics PRO-15 Probiotics: as it was one of the most recommended on the site when it come to Probiotics.
By following the simple 5 Step Protocol, I was able to heal and beat my Eczema. It was not an easy process, I took a lot of trial and error, countless hours of research, study and a lot of prayers. My prayer is that you will be able to read this article and make the right decision to beat your Eczema and heal your leaky gut.